
2007 A Year To Remeber!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

As I said goodbye to 2007, I could not help but to think back on how far I've come. Not only did I finally finish my university degree, but I did things and went to places I would never have imagined.

I conquered ancient kingdoms, chased kangaroos in Cairns with my friends, snorkeled on the Great Barrier Reef, ate crickets in Cambodia, had a poisonous spider crawl on my face and conquered some of Australia's most wild rapids.

With school finally finished, I must say I am excited for what's to come. Since I have a lot of free time on my hands these days, I have decided that now is the best time to make my dreams come true. While I know things don't happen over night, I know that if I take this journey one day at a time, things surely will happen.

Recently I returned home from a PHENOMENAL trip to Puttiparthy in India. I was there for three weeks basking in the glory of Sai Baba . Later on in the week, I travelled with my mom and some friends to an ancient kingdom in Hampi. Although I have made both trips before on more than one occasion, I found this time around, I was able to really contemplate on my life. During that time I found inspiration in the most unlikely places. From an Italian artist, to my good friends and family, I realized I have a lot of support and people behind me who also believe in what I want to achieve.

So with that, I would like to announce what I'm working on. Firstly there's my novel Bollywood Nights, travel articles and I have decided to work on a series of books for kids called Pumpkin the cat, will explain more later! But in the mean time I am getting Happy Jack up and running, and hope to have samples out by late March early April. Until then, I'm still writing, sending out my articles and experimenting with my new found love of photography.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey girl, just want to say, by all means, go full speed ahead on what your heart is calling out to you. You go girl!!