To Jimbo, the most persistent animal I've ever met.
I love animals. Cats, dogs, I love them all. At home in Malacca we have two cats and we recently got a new dog.
Since I've been home though, we've had a visitor. His name you ask? Jimbo, Jimbo the street cat: a beautiful little guy, black, gray and white. He loved coming to our house. Our dog Lucky hated him, our cat Pumpkin was in love with him and our other cat Motley, well he couldn't be bothered.
Jimbo liked to come in the house. Frolic with Pumpkin, sleep on our chair and climb out the window when he saw us coming near. Jimbo thought he was our cat, he waited for food, stared us down as we ate and waited outside for us each night we came home.
The dog chased him, we sprayed him with water bottles, shooed him out the door and yet through it all the little tyke never gave up.
Maybe he's meant to be ours? The question was posed more then once. After a month in the yard we decided, it's time to adopt Jimbo, the newest member of our family.
That all changed one sad night when we came home to find the little guy curled up on a chair in our hallway. He was bone thin, really hot, and for the first time in our relationship he actually let us touch him. Mom picked him up, he tried to meow...nothing. I got him some food, he snuffed it off, curled back in a ball and went to asleep.
The next day we got the guy into a cage to take him to the vet, he was stiff and felt like death. We got in the car, panic washed over him, we drove to the vet and surrendered him over, each one of us hoping for the best.
That night when we all went home we felt really guilty. This pitiful little creature, crawled into our house time after time forgiving us for spraying him with water and scaring him back into the yard.
A couple of days after we took him in, Mr. Jimbo died. What a cat, filled with unconditional love for the family who eventually grew to understand him.
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