

You know, as the days go by here, I am really seeing the Law of Attraction at work in my life. It really is blowing my mind!

Sunday, I went to work and my GOD it was freezing! I thought, 'aaah if only I had a heater!' Then low and behold, the lovely Wrafters said I use theirs! YEA! I am nice and toasty now!

Another instance where the Law of Attraction blew my mind was again going to work, I thought, 'aaah it would be so nice if someone would pop by and pick me up.' Anyway, here I am walking down the street and, 'beep, beep,' Mat's mom pulls up and offers me a ride.

Just examples of these little instances, are showing me that I can create my life on purpose, and everything happens because of me. WOW THAT IS SO COOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Gurl,
Keep up the good work,you are a

Luv Yah.