I had quite an interesting day today, it was good don't get me wrong, it was just I felt as though I began it to the theme song from the TWIGHLIGHT ZONE! HA!
This morning I woke up without any recolllection that there was such thing as EASTER MONDAY! Hehe! I woke up thinking it was just an ordinary day but soon came to the conclusion after my oatmeal breakfest that,
'Yes it was another public holiday and yes I had absolutely no agenda for the day!'
I was happy about that, yet at the same time I wasn't. This is because this weekend I did a whole lot of nothingwhich felt good however, I knew if I staid in today it would not do me well! So I told myself,
'Today is the day I step outside and make contact with some sort of human life!'
I ended up meeting some friends in the city for coffee. Today I labelled us the Coffee Club because when were down and out and need something to do we meet up at our fav joint, 'Starbucks' in Queen street mall.
We sat and chatted for two hours which was nice and then left to walk around the city. Ah, it was bustling! A lot better then Good Friday when I took a jaunt down Adelaide street only to realize the city was like a ghost town.
Anyway, I came home at about five, did some school work and just finished up my dinner. Pasta with spinach sauce. A delicacy I picked up from Wool Worth's supermarket on Saturday.
Hehe, so that was my day in a nut shell. Or should I say egg shell being that it was Easter! ;) That was corny!
Hey gurl,
Easter Sunday,was like the old day's.We saw Marianne!She did an evening Easter service,like you there was know egg's.Instead we were eating roasted almond's and then to it was off to Starbuck's for a Chai latte.Great Service!
Quite Easter monday here to.
Luv Yah.
Hey Sis,
I laughed when I read your corny 'egg shell' joke! Loved it...something I would write too :)
Love you
Hey Sis,
I laughed when I read your corny 'egg shell' joke! Loved it...something I would write too :)
Love you
Hey Sis,
I laughed when I read your corny 'egg shell' joke! Loved it...something I would write too :)
Love you
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