What can I say I love India! I've just returned from Puttiparthi, a tiny village on the outskirts of Bangalore, with a group of 23 wonderful people. I tell you no words can truly express how I felt this trip. Yes, I've been many times before, but I tell you there was something different about this adventure. We were in Puttiparthi to see Sai Baba for about a week, and the other three days we went to Hampi toured the ancient sights, and did some pretty awesome meditations.
Both journeies were equally enjoyable. I must say though, I was a little dissapointed at first because I went to Puttiparthi knowing Sai Baba would be gone for ten days. We were lucky though, we came on the 16th and he left of the 19th. I was glad we got to experience 3 days of darshan with him, for after that he went to Chenni for a world peace day. He was there to lead pujas, I saw his trip as ten days of anchoring the light on the planet. I was so glad in the end that he went because I am truly seeing that the world needs it. It was funny though when he went so did the whole of Puttiparthi ! So for us it was nice, and it was like a really big lesson in not being attached to human form.
We were in Hampi for three solid days. Wow, things have surely changed there. I had been before and it was generally very free and easy going. But this time we were prohibited with regards to our mediations in temples. There is a lot of religous restrictions because of a past incident that cause an uproar. The blessing in the end was that through the power of love and acceptance, not only did our group turn many heads, but we managed to melt someones heart, a guard, who was so full of fear in the beginning. Long story short on our last day he was so impressed with us that he came to the ancient temple we had been working in the morning before dressed in white...he wanted to join in! It was so sweet, when we did not show up he tracked us down by the lake and came over to bid us farewell.
All in all it was a GREAT trip. Really no words can describe how I felt. It was different, I did not feel the urge to shop, buy or compulsively do things, I TRULY felt I was there for a higher purpose. And now that I am home I can saftley say I feel a lot stronger, taller and more assured in my purpose in life.
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